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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Black Latino Americano

First off, let me start by explaining that Latino is not a race nor is the term used properly in the US. Latino simply means people who speak one of the Latin Languages such as, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan, etc. And was also originally used to describe people who came from Rome, since this is where the Latin languages originated from. Hispanic is the more appropriate term, which means people who speak Spanish. However, neither is a race. We are simply Latin Americans (people who speak Spanish and live in America, and no, not USA; Latin America is part of the American Continent, too) and who share many different cultures to include, African, European, Arab, Amerindian, and Asian.

Ok, so now on to what got me going about this. I had a conversation with My cousin Liza about a Hip Hop Writer who she follows on twitter and who recently went to the Dominican Republic for Jay Z's birthday Bash in a very exclusive and sheltered area of the Island, I might add; she twitted that Dominicans need to get it together and just called themselves black. She is obviously very ignorant and has not visited the entire Island nor knows anything about its culture, but I digress.
Also In a Youtube video about Zoe Saldana's participation in the 2005 Casandra Awards in the Dominican Republic, which she hosted and performed in, the debate sparked. Some African Americans and fellow Dominicans insisted that she is a black woman. My problem with this statement is that "black" Latino Americanos like ALL Latinos share more than one culture and ancenstry. And many times, their skin complexion reflects and shows less than 1 third of their background.

I understand that due to ignorance and thus racism, people of dark complexion in Latin America may feel the need to classify themselves as just being black, since that's what people see first hand, and it's also a defense mechanism. But the reality is that due to the Conquistadores who killed about 95% of all the Aborigines in Islands like Puerto Rico and The Dominican Republic, who brought slaves from Africa to rape the lands of its natural resources, the Jewish persecutions of World War II, which brought many Jews to Latin America, and the migration of Arabs and many others to the New World, we can't be classified as just one culture due to our skin complexion, whether we look white/black or in between.

Yes, we have one of the richest cultures in the world, largely in part due to our African Heritage. Merengue would not exist without the drums. The famous Dominican Sancocho would just be a bland soup. There would be no Salsa music, which Origins are traced back to enslaved Africans in Cuba. But we also speak Spanish, French and Portuguese, and language is one of the most important elements of any culture. We are also 85% Catholics/Christians. We would not have Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Oscar De La Renta, Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Dulce de Leche without European influence.

I hope we can be a little bit more open minded and not classify people by their skin color. It is insulting to neglect a large part of your culture simply because you look white or black. We can't let society dictate what you are or are not simply because of collective ignorance. For those who believe that everyone has the right to classify themselves, well yes, but if they are wrong about it, they are wrong. And sometimes those people are ignorant themselves to their history and culture. If there is one thing that I can't and will never tolerate is ignorance. When I don't know something, I simply do my research and find the answer. And if someone is wrong about classifying me and my culture, I will let you know it.

Love, Live and Laugh you Ass off!!!


  1. Aren't I lucky to have such a smart and intellectual BFF? I love it! This was long overdue...keep 'em coming. Can't wait 'til the next read. Or should I just call you n find out? That's right people...I've got first dibs!! YAY!!

  2. First an foremost, you have very good points and like I have told you many should consider a side business as a political figure... This is great and looking forward to more... Love ya!!

  3. you are so right! If you look at me, I can be from anywhere and have had people guess or speak about me in spanish and have no idea I understand. I wish we could stop using labels all together because we are humans! Plain humans who without skin, are all the same!
